The Bad Girl: Chapter 4 – The Curse

Sherwin could still vividly remember what happened earlier that afternoon as he entered the bungalow he shares with Matt. His face reddened from both anger and humiliation at the memory.

“So much for being inconspicuous,” he sighed and went on rambling, “How could this happen? My life had been perfect until she arrived!”

“Now that I’m on my last year, she had to ruin everything!” he vented. “Curse the day I first laid eyes on her!”

That day would be a few months ago, when Reina Yang entered his Economics 416 class, under Dr. Phat, to make up for an oral exam she missed in English 118. Her teacher, Mr. Bouttavhong required her to interpret a poem and do it in front of a class of his choice, which turned out to be Sherwin’s.

Being the gutsy girl that she is, Reina agreed. She couldn’t care less even if she has to do it in front of the whole school. She just wants to get it over and done with.

Her performance caused quite a ruckus in Sherwin’s usually boring period….

“Everyone, I have an announcement to make,” started Dr. Phat. “Before we start our lecture for today, a student from Mr. Bouttavhong is here to say something to you. Miss Reina Yang, please come in.”

All eyes were turned to the girl who entered. They were all surprised to see her.

She was wearing a flowing skirt down to her mid-calf, a buttoned long-sleeved blouse and a pair of strappy sandals. Her hair was tied in a severe bun and she was wearing glasses.

She was dressed like a spinster and yet looked the opposite. She was every bit as seductive even if she wore a sackcloth!

“Um, hi!” she greeted them cheerfully. “I’m actually here to perform for you, if you don’t mind.”

A soft murmur was heard.

“You see, I missed a VERY important oral exam of Mr. Bouttavhong and he allowed me to make-up for it by interpreting a poem to his chosen audience. And so, here I am,” she said candidly.

“Oh, and by the way, Dr. Phat,” she sweetly added. “May you please sit in the middle aisle? This is a part of my performance, if you don’t mind.”

Obviously taken by the “angelic spinster”, the usually stern and grim, Dr. Phat willingly obliged.

“Thank you!” Reina said almost childishly.

Reina proceeded by taking a chair and placing it in front. Facing the left side of the room, she then placed her right foot on the chair and bent her head down over her leg.

And thus began Her Show…

(She straightened up dragging the hem of her skirt upward, showing her legs…)

(She let go of the material…)


(She faced the audience, ran her hands upward on her sides, finishing it by touching her breasts, while looking straight into the teacher’s eyes…)

(She walked to the other side of the chair…)

(She sat down…)

(She slowly crossed her legs…)

(And slowly uncrossed them, opened them wide, while keeping eye contact with Dr. Phat…)

(She stood up and slowly walked toward the teacher, hips swaying. She ran her hands from her waist to meet at the center…)